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Letter from Mercedes

The school year in El Salvador is from January or February through October or November depending upon program of study, a particular school, and the level of study, elementary through college. This means that semester break for college students is in July. Mercedes wrote the following letter July 5th.

Note that she references the streets of Huisisilapa. The municipality of San Pablo Tacachico (Tacachico) has promised the paving of some of the roads in the village. The project began close to the beginning of the year but it was not finished before the rainy season which starts in May. The mud situation is better now but for weeks, Hilda’s family had to wade through mud to leave their house. The pavement also widen the streets so people lost their old fencing on the street side of their property and will need to reconstruct once the paving is completed. All in all the community sees te project as an improvement to the rocky, muddy or dusty, and eroded roads. The roads recently paved are the closest to the community square or plaza. Phyllis


Bueno por acá todo bien, todos presionados con muchas tareas, trabajo
de investigación estudiando para los exámenes y todo eso. Estamos
todos estresados por que tenemos muchas tareas, y ya casi salimos de
ciclo, para descansar un poco de tanta presión que estamos teniendo.

Everything is well here but we are all under pressure with all our
homework, additional research, and studying for exams. We are all
stressed from all the work, but it is almost the end of the term when
we will have time to rest a little and take a break from all the

En la comunidad ya casi terminado el proyecto de las calles, las
personas están muy contentas por que dicen que ya no se van llenar de
lodo. y las milpas van creciendo muy bien. Los niños que les damos
clases están muy contentos y nosotros también por que están
aprendiendo mucho.

road construction in Huisisilapa

In the community, the street paving project is almost complete—people
are really happy because the streets finally won’t be full of mud and
because the fields are growing well this year. The children that we
give classes to are also very happy and we are happy that they are
learning so much.

Gracias por todo, por su ayuda. Y cualquier cosa que quieran saber y
nosotros les podemos ayudar no duden en hacerla.

Thank you for all your support, and if you ever have questions for us,
don’t hesitate to ask.

Gracias por todo nuevamente, estamos muy agradecidao con ustedes.

Thank you again for everything; we are all very grateful to you all.

Mercedes, Maira y Pedro